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Personal Assistance

Carolynne Keating manages the team who are responsible for ensuring that every child’s care needs are met and maintained to a high standard throughout their time at Southview.

Healthcare plans are in place for every child. They hold information from parents and relevant professionals involved in their care. The plans are continually updated to ensure that the most recent information is recorded and shared. Carolynne meets with the class teams on a regular basis to discuss any changes, issues or training needs required.

We work closely with the Speech and Language, Physio and Occupational Therapists. Carolynne and the therapy team meet regularly to discuss any issues regarding equipment, new therapy programmes, feeding issues or any other general concerns.

Training for specific medical procedures is delivered by the Specialist Healthcare Training Team at Provide. Ongoing updates and individual competencies are completed by the nursing team.

Manual handling plans are in place for all children, giving information on their individual needs, and guidance on how each child should be moved in the safest and most comfortable way, while ensuring that their dignity is maintained at all times.

All of our staff has received moving and handling training from Carolynne and Leah, our manual handling advisors. Training and assessment is ongoing, therefore providing a safe and efficient system.

If you have any enquires, concerns or just want to chat about your child’s care/medical needs please call or email Carolynne

First Aiders At Southview

We have a miniumun of 12 first aiders split across our school and college site, two of which are qualified in paediatric first aid. 

  • School Address: Conrad Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 2TA / College Address: Conrad Road, Witham CM8 2SD

  • School: 01376 503505 / College: 01376 425372
