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College Overview

In the sixth form, the curriculum is tailored precisely to students’ needs. This means they are exceptionally well prepared for the next stages of their lives. 

Ofsted outstanding 2022

The College Curriculum

The 7 areas of the College Curriculum are:-

  1. Communication
  2. Community Links and Participation
  3. Health and Wellbeing
  4. Managing and developing relationships
  5. Functional Maths
  6. Enterprise and work related skills
  7. Creative Development

Certificates and Accreditation

Within these areas where appropriate students will also have the opportunity to work on and gain certificates and qualifications such as Entry Levels, Southview Route option certificates and PSD Asdan and higher level subject specific qualifications.

Topic Areas

Different topics are followed each term in the 7 areas. The topics are rich and varied and are intended to provide students with the functional, independent and social skills needed to prepare them for their next stage of life.

They practice these skills in the class, in other areas of the school, with other professionals and out in the community in real life situations, enabling increased opportunities to develop and broaden their skills set and to become more aware, responsible and self-confident young people.

Functional maths and communication skills are fundamental and remain key areas of the College curriculum. They run through all areas and form the basis of student learning and access to further experiences. They are taught in a more functional and purposeful way to suit the needs and promote the independence of each student.

The areas encompassing wellbeing and relationships are crucial to our students at this transitional stage of their life. Students learn how to reflect, express their emotions and discuss their feelings and build a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of people, behaviours and how to look after themselves.

The Enterprise and work related curriculum area focuses on a different skills set giving students an insight into work and vocational areas. Running a College Café, setting up a Christmas Catalogue and organising Fundraising activities are all examples of important and relevant activities which promote a more adult environment and way of learning providing students with an insight to work and activities they would like to pursue beyond Southview. The introduction of Route options has allowed students to trial new pathways which may interest them and gain internal certification at different levels.

Running alongside the College Curriculum is the essential element of developing relationships and social skills. College provides social occasions such as a Prom and residential trip to promote and embed these skills in a safe and measured environment whilst spending time with their friends and enjoying having fun!


Each student has their own set of targets in each area which they will work on throughout the year. These are tailored to the ability and aspirations of each student. EHCP meetings provide the opportunity for students, parents, carers and other professionals to create a joint plan which we can all work towards.

Physio, Speech and language and OT sessions

College students will continue to follow programmes, attend groups and individual sessions which are set by the therapists.


Please contact the following leads who will provide you with full details of each curriculum and its content.

Julie Pugh - College Lead. Email:

Charlotte MacKenzie - Complex Needs Lead. Email:


  • School Address: Conrad Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 2TA / College Address: Conrad Road, Witham CM8 2SD

  • School: 01376 503505 / College: 01376 425372
