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British Values

At Southview School the diversity of all our pupils, families and the wider school community are respected and valued effectively. We recognise that it is our duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of ‘Democracy’, ‘The rule of law’, ‘Individual liberty’ and ‘Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. The ethos of the school along with clear strategies for embedding these values at different stages of pupil’s lives prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life as British citizens.

The school follows guidance taken from documents released by the DfE on the promotion of “British values” as part of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of pupils. 

Southview School actively promotes British values as part of our provision for SMSC in the following ways:


Across the school principles of democracy are explored in the curriculum and form part of our everyday classroom routine. In the younger and less able classes this could be learning how to share, work cooperatively alongside others, take turns and make choices. In some of the older classes’ pupils learn and experience taking part in debates and are actively involved in the electing and voting process for the school council. This begins to provide pupils with an understanding of the decision making process in real life situations at school which helps them to relate to news and events which occur in the wider world.

The school ensures that all its pupils have a voice which is listened to, and promotes democratic procedures such as School Council. The school Council group actively feedback ideas and are able to represent the collective views of the class. They learn how to work collaboratively, planning and organising whole school events and are able to see how their input can lead to changes.

Throughout the year, pupils take part in surveys and are given time to share their experiences, feelings and opinions through a range of communication.

Class projects such as creating garden areas, growing and selling produce, recycling, choosing charities to support and putting on fundraising events, encourages pupils to be curious, question and input their ideas, which are always valued and respected.

In assemblies pupils are introduced to the concept of democracy, freedom and equality at all levels through stories, music, performances. They may participate or lead an assembly to promote and model how to respect the views of others and share the feeling of being valued and included in our school community.


The ethos and school environment promotes and encourages respect and helps pupils to distinguish right from wrong. Pupils are polite and respectful and follow procedures which are whole school and individual to their own needs. Some pupils are given additional support to work together on strategies to improve and promote their own positive behaviour.
Classes work together to create their own set of rules and principles which are appropriate to the understanding and ability of the group. These are essential to the wellbeing and safety of all our pupils and staff and are referred to reinforce good behaviour, citizenship and to remind pupils of the school core values.

As part of the curriculum, some pupils will use a range of resources and materials to learn and understand how the law in Britain works and begin to acquire a broader general knowledge and respect for public institutions and services in England.
Pupils are encouraged to accept responsibility for their behaviour, model this to other pupils and show how they can contribute positively to the school and the local community. This can be seen in our College café, enterprises and other fundraising events set up by classes and individuals. Pupils actively support each other by going into different classes and sharing events together such as Sports day and World book day.


Our school environment is one that is committed to promoting independence and total communication. Activities both in school and out in the community enable pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Pupils are supported by skilled communication partners to take ownership of their learning and to develop their own identity. All staff are skilled communicators and are constantly differentiating in order to interact with every pupil. This modelling is an intrinsic part of everyday life at Southview and is copied by pupils. Pupils and staff can be seen interacting through Makaton, using symbols, on body cues, and devices, creating a fully inclusive environment and community in which everyone has the opportunity to thrive and be their very best.
At Southview School, we prepare pupils for future life. By all working together, from EYFS through to College, pupils develop their self-esteem and a positive sense of self. The positive and trusting relationships which are established between staff and pupils lead to a commitment and desire for all to improve regardless of ability. Pupils feel safe and equipped to take on new challenges, building on pupils’ aspirations to go beyond their own potential.
Results from pupil and parent surveys are an important way of gathering and understanding different points of view from our community. These are carefully considered and are used to inform future plans, projects and events.

Pupils are proud of who they are and what they have achieved and want to share and celebrate their success. Achievements and rewards are displayed throughout the school and are reinforced through assemblies and performances. These principles are embedded into our school culture and ethos, continually reinforcing and encouraging pupils to be the best they can and strive for personal goals.


Respect is one of the core values of our school.  

When pupils first start the school there is an acceptance of differences which develops and embeds throughout their journey at Southview.
Through aspects of the curriculum, as well as visits, visitors, assemblies, sensory stories and individual experiences, pupils share and are helped to acquire an understanding of other faiths and beliefs and learn how to respect their own and other opinions, cultures and ways of life. Links have been established through the local community where pupils can take part and make sense of their experiences first-hand and take back their thoughts, observations and interactions.

Our PSHE and RSE schemes are carefully adapted to suit the differing needs of classes in order to make them meaningful and purposeful. In appropriate classes pupils follow the Cambridgeshire Primary Personal development programme which  provides a structure to teach sensitive issues at an appropriate level whilst giving those pupils that can the opportunity to discuss and extend their knowledge of themes such as Relationships, diversity, ethnicity, disability, values, rules and respect within a safe a and secure environment.  

Staff and pupils are encouraged to challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour and systems are in place to report and record such incidents. 

Our school reflects British values in all that we do.  We encourage our children to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, our local community and the wider world.



  • School Address: Conrad Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 2TA / College Address: Conrad Road, Witham CM8 2SD

  • School: 01376 503505 / College: 01376 425372
